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Safeguarding information 2 of 2

2. FCFC Allegations vs. Volunteers

I’d be grateful if the following documents can be uploaded to the FCFC Pitchero website in place of the legacy safeguarding documentation:

1. FCFC Allegations vs. Volunteers
2. FCFC Communicating with U18s
3. FCFC Reporting A Concern
4. FCFC Safeguarding Children Policy (16&17 Yrs)
5. FCFC Safeguarding Children Policy
6. FCFC Safeguarding Code of Conduct Breach
7. FCFC Volunteer Safeguarding Code of Conduct
8. FCFC Whistleblowing

Additionally, could the below also be added to the website under an ‘Emergency Aid’ section within the documents:

1. DR A-E Approach Flowchart
2. AED Safety Guidelines
3. Concussion Immediate Care
4. First Aid Kit Contents
5. Signs of Concussion
6. Symptoms of Concussion
7. Medical Emergency Action Plan (editable)